This database was developed by Cirad in the framework of Work Package 1 (Genetic and functional bases of root architectural traits under abiotic stress) of the EURoot project "Enhancing resource uptake from roots under stress in cereal crops". As such, this work received funding from the European Community Seventh Framework Programme FP7-KBBE-2011-5 under grant agreement no.289300.

EURoot DB is based on MySQL databases (one per crop) that can be queried using Java customizable interfaces automatically generated to fit the database content. It is connected to a CMap vizualisation tool. EURoot DB is a component of the South Green Bioinformatics platform.

This database aims at managing data on QTLs and genes for root growth and development under stress (drought, N and P deficiency) on rice, maize, barley, wheat. Information on all constitutive or adaptive QTL/genes for root features previously published in good quality papers were collected by biologist curators of EUroot project (see contributors), specialists of a specific crop, and integrated in the IS. The same work was done on genes with demonstrated function on rice roots. The positions of the QTLs and genes can be projected on consensus or physical (for the sequenced genomes) maps of the four species.